2 juni 2023
GridLink söker erfarna servicetekniker för att förstärka sitt team och möta den ökande efterfrågan inom förnybar energi. Som en ledande aktör inom drift och underhåll av vätgasstationer, vindkraftsverk, solcellsparker och energilagringssystem söker GridLink engagerade individer med expertis inom teknisk service.
Serviceteknikerna kommer att spela en nyckelroll iatt säkerställa optimal drift och underhåll av energisystemen. För att ansöka om tjänsten eller mer information, besök GridLinks karriärsida
GridLink Ab
Henrik Lindqvist VD
18 april 2023
GridLink Ab is a new company in Åland with the goal of becoming the leading player in the operation and maintenance of hydrogen stations, wind farms, energy storage systems, and contributing to the development of technical solutions in renewable energy and Åland's energy hub.
The company will actively operate from the Åland development area, with the Nordic region as its primary focus. With a wide network of contacts and industry background, we see opportunities to grow and provide our services to the
innovative companies operating around us. We are actively supporting the planned energy transition that Åland and the Nordic region are facing. The company currently consists of 6 individuals and has already established a stable order backlog, indicating the need to hire several more individuals in the near future.
"The transition in the Nordic region opens up for new innovative energy solutions, where GridLink will be an important link between the drawing board and final production.
GridLink Ab
Henrik Lindqvist CEO